Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Lynda and Dell Part 2...

Lost in Cyber Space...
Continuing briefly where I finished up at the end of part 1...
CHAT! Well, what can I say?
Was initially engrossed to the point of being in AOL's New Member's Lobby for hours and hours, chatting to the other newbies...Staying up some nights til 3/4 am...
Sad, I hear you say?
Nah! Comes to most of us, I suspect, when we enter the realms of Cyber Space for the first time...:) Is a neccessary learning curve in the journey to navigate the net.
The best outcome of 'cutting your teeth' in 'chat' is that you have a bit of fun, learn the lingo and pick up a few 'buddies' along the way...
The worst is that you become a 'chat addict' and only ever go on-line to roam the endless chat-rooms, never to be seen in, or experience, normal cyber space:(
My experience, fortunately, was the former, and I was also extremely lucky to find my 'guru', Scott:)
I'm pretty sure I was floundering around, way out of my depth, in one of the 30 something chat-rooms, when along came my 'knight in shinning armour':) (Bit over the top, I know, but it seems like that when you're lost and alone in the deep, dark realms of cyber space).
Anyway, he came to my rescue, late one night, not long after I'd taken my first tentative steps into the unknown...I see it all now with a sense of 'being rescued', but was probably closer to a 'baptism of fire' where Scott's concerned. He did throw me in a bit at the deep end and it was 'sink or swim' for a while. But was worth it in the end...
'Cos here I am, after all Scott's encouragement, teasing, dirty talk etc. (mainly dirty talk if I'm honest), I'm flying:)
Going to be extremly sick-making here... Reminds me of a line from a dance track, 'fly baby fly', from 'Fly on the Wings of Love'. Rather apt. considering my nick;)
Here ends the second part of The Saga of Lynda and Dell...
Coming soon, the 3rd exciting (ish) bit...

Lynda and Dell...

Part 1: The Dell Dimension...

Oh God! Where do I start?...The begining, I suppose;)

In the beggining there was Lynda, a pile of boxes (the contents of which, if assembled properly, would become a brand new Dell Dimension PC...further reading which may prove useful at this point is an older entry entitled 'Computer Peripherals'), an idiot proof colour co-ordinated diagram and, what seemed at the time, an awful lot of software:(

Skip to several hours into the future...You really DO NOT want a step by step, curse by curse narrative on the assembly of a PC by a total technophobe (the printer cartridges proved to be the most difficult bit, btw...)

My PC was there, all lovingly assembled and awaiting it's first ever switching on...(We wont go into detail about minor things that I did wrong and bits I forgot to do at all:)...

It started up and I messed about with the settings a bit, then had to decide which internet service to use. I relied totally on my brother's recomendation and chose AOL. Was easy to install and up and running in a few minutes:)

I was 'on-line':)

What I was going to do on-line, I had no idea. Had a little look at some of the categories listed on my home page, but quickly got bored of these...

Was about to turn the thing off when I spotted the chat thingies...Had heard of these from a mate who'd become a 'chat' widow...

Now, AOL does the 'chat' thing rather well. They have loads of different 'rooms' which are catogorised. They even have a 'new members lobby' which is for complete beginners such as myself...

Here ends part one of the Saga of Lynda and Dell...

Part two: Lost in (Cyber) follow shortly;)

Preparing For Dinner Parties When Stoned...

Firstly, would advise all caution when embarking on preperation for a dinner party whilst stoned. All sorts of profound thoughts go through your head when chopping/peeling veggies. Just consider the stages of the high:-
1. Coming up - all floaty and light headed with those lovely little euphoric head-rushes mixed with sharp knives could be disastrous.
2. The giggles - it's ok when you're alone/in the presence of someone else who's stoned, but not recommended if the other party/ies is straight. Try explaining what's so funny about a bunch of veggies!
3. The horny stage - all I'm saying on this one is, if you're serving carrots/parsnips/cucumbers/courgettes, buy ready prepared!
4. The philosophical stage - the life/world changing things that go through your mind have a habit of distracting you from the job in hand, and you're not worried in the least how much dinner will be delayed, cos let's face it, you're making cosmic discoveries/decisions here!
5. The paranoid stage- again causes major delays cos you keep wondering if anyone will bother to turn up, why they're coming anyway and what they'll say about you/your cooking/etc......
So, the best course of action is to plan well in advance....If you know you intend to get stoned, buy all the veg/yorkshire pud/dessert etc., ready prepared. Sort it all out before having your joint. Saves a lot of time and trouble!

Friday, September 24, 2004


Sarcastic, light-hearted or an approach from both angles? Both, I think;)
I'm a 'cat lover' and female...Need I say more? Probably not, but I'm going to anyway:)
When I was younger (yes, a little while ago now), I was subjected to one of the harder 'character-building' aspects of teenage life. Female and a 'red-head':( I never failed to 'entertain' when called 'ginger-minge'...
Blushing furiously at the slightest thing, let alone that, is another 'side-effect' of being of the red-haired persuasion:( I'm frowning a lot here for good reason...Horrible memories of this stuff:(
If only I'd known there was a very simple solution...Shave the lot off, and then when someone says it now, I just smile sweetly and say 'no hun, it's bald!'
Back to the subject in hand though...There are, it seems, quite a large number of the male species who think I've not heard all the usual (and unusual) 'pussy' lines/jokes/sad attempts at humour? For god's sake guys! I'm 36, 'red-haired', live with 1 cat and 2 kittens...Think I've heard them all by now:)
If, however, you think not, drop me a line and let me know!
My favourite is one of own though...When asked by a guy if he can stroke my pussy, my reply is...Which one hun? The black and white one or the bald one? (Will have to change it soon though, to include the kittens...But not just yet).

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Situations Vacant...

Job Title: Boyfriend (or BF as you'll be known, if successful:)

Suitable applicants are invited to apply for the above mentioned vacancy. This vacancy has arisen due to a certain lady requiring attention from guys who DO NOT fall into the following categories: Typical Valleys males; Arrogant bastards; Users, abusers and liars; Guys wanting free sex (there is no such thing, so wake-up and accept the fact that if you are lucky enough to find a female who's willing to meet you half-way on this, be grateful, not greedy!); Guys strictly wanting to view me from afar (yes, I mean you pervy lot who just want to look at me naked, either on webcam or by requesting dirty pics of me...You know where the newsagents/video store is...Go pay for it like everyone else!).

Hours: Initially, working hours will be restricted mostly to the weekends, but will occassionally require working 24/7 ( the working week regulations DO NOT cover the hours required for this position) for the purpose of holidays ect...

Holidays: As long as you take the GF.

Location: Where and when required.

Reporting To: Girlfriend:)

Job Specification: The most important aspect of this particular vacancy is to, at all times, treat your GF with the love, attention and loyalty expected and deserved. This will, obviously, be returned as your GF knows how to treat her man:) The prospects for the right person are unlimited. This new and exciting role will continue to grow with the successful candidate.

Person Specification: You must have at least some of the same interests as the GF but applicants are most welcomed from candidates with a diverse range of interests/activities.

Essential Requirements: Great sense of humour; Inteligence; Clean; Fit; High sex drive; Sense of adventure; Spontanaety; Straight talking; Honest; Reliable.

As a high number of applications are anticipated for this vacancy, only shortlisted candidates will be notified of any further interest by the GF. Therefore, if you do not hear anything by 15th October, please accept the GF's thanks for your interest, but assume that you have not been successful on this occasion. Your application will be held on file in view of any future vacancies, of which you will be informed.

To Apply: Send full CV, photo, brief description and covering letter to

Previous applicants need not apply;)

Wall to Wall Cock...

Well girls! Here's a bit of news for you (or not...Depends where you go drinking on a Sunday evening). There's a certain nightclub in Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, that is full to the brim of an unusually high proportion of good looking guys:)

There are girls there, of course, plenty of them, and guys that don't reach the very high standards set by the rest...

But, the main feature of this particular venue is that rare natural phenomenen known as 'Wall To Wall Cock':)

God, if I were just a few years younger I'd be up there every Sunday night (I go as often as possible, purely for research purposes, you understand;) but after a busy Friday and Saturday night, I don't always have the energy or money to give it a visit...

But before you all start a stampede, there is the small matter of a few minor drawbacks...

The Town of Merthyr is a bit rough, and I don't just mean the guys, lol...To a non-Valleys resident this may be quite an off-putting factor...

Another is that due to the high number of great looking guys, they, in turn, draw a lot of women, which again has the less than desirable effect of attracting what we affectionately call hereabouts 'mingers' (ugly guys/girls)...

But ladies, if you're prepared to accept these minor failings to have a great night out feasting your eyes on some of the best looking male specimens the Valleys have to offer, I'm sure you wont be disappointed!

Fluffy, Pink and Cute!!!!!?????


Those words conjeur-up in my imagination a tiny, slim blonde, wearing white jeans, a pink angora sweater with flowing golden locks and a 'dumb' expression! Other images would include an air of helplessness, wide puppy-dog eyes and that certain confidence only true dumb-blondes aquire - if you exert complete confidence in the fact that guys just can't resist all/a selection of the aforementioned.

It has come to my attention of late, that a worrying number of guys are starting to treat me as if I'm a helpless, dumb blonde!

Let me now and forever dispel that myth! I am NOT blonde, I'm strawberry blonde:) There is a big difference...Strawberry blonde is halfway between blonde and ginger. Ok, I admit, I have had a few blonde streaks added recently, but it doesn't make me blonde!

Also, for the most part anyway, I am VERY capable. The only limitations I accept in my capabilities are physical strength and knowledge. In most cases knowledge can be, and frequently is, gained.

So, guys, appearances can be deceiving...I may be small in stature, strawberry blonde, and yes, I do have this worrying habit of buying pink clothes at the mo...But, I AINT CUTE! Cute is for kittens, puppies and true dumb blondes...;)


Sunday, September 19, 2004

Past My Sell-by Date?????


Had a few months lately when I've been feeling a bit strange...

Wasn't sure what was wrong, couldn't really put a nice label on it:(

Turns out that I've been worried about being on my own in the long term...doing a not-so-classic BJ (Bridget Jones), only mine doesn't involve being discovered half-eaten by a german shepherd cos I don't like dogs personal BJ is being discovered half-eaten by my cats!

Silly, 'cos I aint bad looking (so I'm told), can cook, clean and do all the other neccessary domestic stuff, am reasonable company, can hold a good conversation and have a great sense of humour.

The thing is though, I've been single now for 19 months and maybe, just maybe, am missing the company of having a BF/partner. Not a full-time one, you understand, tried that and it doesn't suit me. That must be a lot to do with being single again for the first time in 12 years. Takes a lot of getting used to being on your own, but when you are, is hard to have someone around all the time. My current limit is about 2 days and then I get very irritable:(

Unfortunatley, I can't seem to find a guy who wants a part-time relationship...The ones I'm attracted to, or are attracted to me, are either complete twats or guys looking for a mother/wife (there is another category but that's an entry on it's own).

So, I guess I'll carry on wandering through life and hope that somewhere along the way I meet my soulmate:)

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Don't Tell Me What To Do!

What gives anyone the right to tell me what to do? I'll tell ya, NOTHING!
Incase it's escaped anyones notice, I'm 36! I mostly cope really well with even the most difficult and upsetting situations...
Have had just about enough of people (including friends, family and people I chat to on-line) having a go at me lately!
Why? you ask...
A number of reasons, mainly though because I appear to be spending too much time on-line chatting to do any real work or domestic stuff!
Had a little heated exchange with a guy I chat to on Yahoo this morning. He reckoned it's no wonder I've not got time to do anything cos I'm chatting on-line 24/7! I wish! Had to put him in his place and explain in simple, easy to understand phrases, that I work, write, am a full time Mum during the week, am still looking for a house and have the small matter of trying to get the Police to deal with the baseball wielding nutter who attacked me on Sunday morning!
I wish my life was as 'boring' as he implied...I'd have none of the above to worry about and wouldn't be seeking help from my doctor to deal with the unusual ammounts of stress I find myself coping badly with at the mo:(
My family are just as bad. They have this 'inbuilt' need to criticise everything I do and the way that I do it!
Then, I get a 'stroppy' message from a guy I went for a drink with recently. 'Cos I've not had time to reply to a txt he sent, he had a lovely little tantrum:( I did, however send him a message last night explaining why I hadn't been in contact. But no, that wasn't good enough! He had to go that extra step and 'throw his toys out of the pram'!
Argh!!!!!! Ican't be bothered with all this crap!
If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't bother!
Leave me get on with my problems.
I'm doing the best I can.
When I come out the other side, I'll deal with you lot and put you firmly in your place!
May be worth adding here that, because I always cope, or appear to cope with everything life throws at me, people close to me run for cover if they see me not coping:(

Excessive Use Of Recreational Substances...

During the pursuit of a great time, it is useful to remember the following:

1. If you have a great time on Friday night/Saturday morning, don't be greedy. Be grateful. Being 'off-it' in your local, pulling a nice shagable guy(preferably someone you've sampled earlier), chatting, then having a great intimate party with lots of mind blowing sex(due to use of above mentioned substances) is a once a weekend experience.
2. If you expect similar the following evening, you're sadly mistaken. If you try to force the issue, the results can vary from slightly disappointing to catastrophic.
3. The absence of 'the shagable guy' from point 1 is sure to disappoint.
4. The abscence of ANY shaggable guy is deffinately 'not on'!
5. If, foolishly, you've already indulged in said substances...Go clubbing. It offers the possibility of pulling, wears you out and doesn't waste the afore mentioned substances...:)
(I have, recently, however, managed to achieve the 'similar the following evening' from point 2, but I expect this will be a once in a lifetime event. Was VERY enjoyable:).

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

A Letter...

Dear ******, Was going to send you an e-mail, but you said you've not got time to read them.Then thought I'd send a letter, but realised that I wasn't sure of your address.So, am delivering this by hand in the hope that you'll realise that I drove all the way to your house because it means that much to me for you to read this. You don't need to worry about me calling at your house again either, this was a necessary visit to make sure that you got this letter. Where do I start? Not sure anymore myself...But I better get this out or it's just going to make me feel worse than I do already, if that's possible? Well hun, I've tried to explain what I feel like after the way you've treated me. You either haven't understood, haven't been listening or don't care. You contacted me, if you remember, very late one night around the end of May/beginning of June. Was through a site I'd literally just finished registering with. I only filled in the registration 'cos I was bored...You IM'd me. We had a chat, then you IM'd me a few weeks later through the same site. We exchanged messages for a while via that site and then MSN and Yahoo. All this you know. I told you when you first messaged me that I wasn't looking for anything serious...I was always honest with you about that, even when you asked to meet up. What I'm trying to say, ******, is that, all the way through, I was open and honest with you about the way I was feeling, even though I thought it may scare you off...It was scaring me too! You knew I was going through a rough time and that was the reason I gave for not wanting to get too serious with anyone. I know it's not your fault that I was having a bad time, which, unfortunately has gotten much worse throughout. But the way you've handled this has made it very difficult, if not impossible for me to get on with the things I should be doing. Has got to the point now where I can't move on until we've talked face to face. You know what I'm talking about...The way in which you led me on, told me that you weren't dumping me, just slowing things down, wanting to get to know me better as friends first. You didn't have the guts to face me, couldn't even tell me properly. I had to drag each horrible bit from you. Can you imagine how I feltbeing told over MSN from Germany that I was dumped? What I should have done, had I not been so overwhelmed by everything else that was going on, was just walk away with the dignity that I had left. Ignore the feelings eating me up inside and get on with my life. What you should do now is to speak to me properly about it, so I can at least tell you how it's all made me feel, get it off my chest, I don't know, end it properly with the respect and consideration that should have come far earlier.You know me well enough by now to know that's what I need to move-on. So, would you do that for me at least? An hour of your time, to talk face to face. You know my number to call to let me know where and when. Take care of you,*****
The above is a copy of a letter sent...
The following is a copy of an e-mail sent in reply to the guy's answer...

If that's the way you see it, and I suspected it was, then I have every reason to feel 'used'.
I'm sorry that it has had to come to this, but it's your behaviour not mine that's made me say what I'm going to say next...
I sincerely wish that I had never met you. I don't even like you as a person anymore, and that hurts me to say that about someone. You used me, at possibly one of the lowest periods of my life, and for that, I'll pay for a long time yet. All the crap you said about being privilaged to be my friend and what a nice person I am...Well ******, know that you've taken so much from me that it's going to take me a long time to even get back to the person I was when you first met me. I know now that you don't care what I say to you, so why were you so aggressive about the journal entry? Vanity, that's all. And what did it cost? Trampling all over me! All I wanted to know was why? Now I do. If that's the person you really are, I don't want you. And I sincerely hope that no-one else has to put up with that crap from you. Unless, of course, they're the same as you. Goodbye, *****.

Unsolicited Pricks...

Just a little friendly piece of advice for any guys thinking of sending me anymore unsolicited pictures of thier cocks...

If I'd kept them all, and I haven't, I'd have enough by now to publish a VERY comprehensive picture study on the wierd, wonderful and downright scarey variety of 'pricks' on offer...

Most of the ones I've had the misfortune to view would have to be on 'very special offer' indeed for me, or any half sane female to want:)


Treat Me Like A Lady!

Well guys, I'm 36 years old and not once (tell a little lie, one of my male friends did when my latest BF cruely dumped me, but I wouldn't have thought that really counted), have any one of you lot treated me like a Lady!
Seriously, is it all a complete myth? Or do you all just take what you can get?
This Lady isn't taking anymore nonsense from you lot!
This Lady would rather spend the rest of her days alone!
I am NOT an unpaid whore! And I'm extremly fed up of having my good nature/generosity taken advantage of!
Don't get me wrong here, I'm prepared to meet you halfway, always have done (and then some!), but stop taking the PISS!
From my many years of experience and my love of observing human interaction, I know it's no myth. I've whitnessed it first-hand on countless occassions and secretly longed for it myself.
What I didn't realise until now though was, If you're an intelligent, articulate woman, with a genorous and warm personality, you've got NO chance of being treated like a Lady!
On the other hand, if you're a shallow, selfish, greedy bitch, you guys seem to go WAY out of your way to literally fall over yourselves to satisfy those mean and vain impulses!
Enjoy the monsters you create guys, 'cos us Ladies really won't hang around!
A BIG thank you to the mate who did 'treat me like a Lady' (you know who you are). When I was feeling very down 'cos of my recent BF 'trouble', he took me out for drinks, and then for a lovely meal. Paid for most of it (he would only let me pay for a few drinks) and then sat up most of the night talking to me and making me feel 'special'. He even put me up at his house and made me feel safe and at home:)...And what did he want in return? Nothing! Only my friendship and to 'make a mate happy':) Is a nice refreshing change:) There is a WIP (work in progress for all you smutty minded people;) for ya hun, but it's not quite finished yet:)

Monday, September 13, 2004


Are a totally different species!
But, of course, we all knew that anyway, didn't we girls;)
Just had one on-line now offering to show me his cock on cam! Why on Earth (or off-it, for that matter) would I want to see a guy's cock on webcam?!!!
I mean, they're not exactly pretty at the best of times are they...Can barely look at most of them. One or two exceptions, maybe, but hardly the most attractive piece of equipment?
To be fair though, our 'bits' aren't either, looks like someone did a lot of damage with a blunt knife:)
Would greatly appreciate some 'input/feedback' on this subject as it has a HUGE bearing on why we're all here at all!

Nasty Girls?

This message was sent to me on 18th August, 2004 from a guy who's a member of 'Faceparty'! Was sickened and horrified when the contents had sunk in...
Am getting a little worried because I've had quite a few guys 'treating' me in this way recently:( You know who you are!!!!!

I'm sorta sick of well-behaved girls, flowerey dresses and chatting about nothing in particular. I decided instead to try the American girls who are on Faceparty. Whilst they are fun they can't, for me , match up to UK babes! What I'm looking for tho' is what might be called in America 'a nasty girl1! It's got nothing to do with looks or personality, it's nasty with regards to attitudes to sex. I mean, for example, 'a nasty girl' won't be content to just be sucking a nice, fat, juicy cock, oh no, she's gotta spit on it, get it all slippery and glistening with siliva and goo and then wank it real inconsideratly whilst also coming out with the filthyest language and thoughts! Yes, that's what I'm after a nice, horny 'nasty girl'. We'll watch porn via my cam and chat lots too! If you're up for that and think you fit the bill, or could be coaxed into doing so, then why not be brave and add me to msn messenger now? I'd love to see you there, you look interestingly naughty!
The guy's profile read like he was a well-educated, 'normal' guy...Until I read more closely...What I found was someone with his head stuck so far up his own ass he can't see what's obvious to anyone reading the message he sent, VERY kinky tastes and NO respect for women!
I don't need to add my own reply here...Let's just say I put him FIRMLY in his place...Like I have with the other guys who've tried this sort of thing with me:)
Well, people, I aint standing for it! HAVE put my foot down and would rather spend the rest of my life never going near another guy if this is the attitude that's prevailing at the moment!


(or, to those of us ‘in the know’, Rampant Rabbit Deluxe!)

Never been a big fan of vibrators, personally. Prefer the real thing myself. Is one of the few things the ‘male of the species’(and, I use that term loosely, of course) is useful for!
Anyway, back to the ‘Rabbit’...All you girlies out there who have one will know EXACTLY what I’m talking about...:)
Was tempted to get one when I heard about them from various mates, when the earlier model was out, the ordinary Rampant Rabbit...Was shocked and horrified that anyone would pay that much for a vibrator! Was assured though that it would be the best £30 I ever spent!
So, at a mate’s Anne Summers' party, I decided to check them out...Was amazed by the variety of battery operated ‘friends’ and was seriously impressed with the Rampant Rabbit...’But’, said the party planner, ‘if you pay a few pounds more, you don’t have to buy so many batteries and you can have the latest version, the Rampant Rabbit Deluxe!’ She took it out of it’s big pink box, and WOW, was it something!(And, to tell you the truth, was better looking than it’s predecessor). I ordered one on the spot, paid cash and demanded to know when I would get hold of my very own...
Was supposed to be back in about 3/4 days...I couldn’t wait...Was all excited, like a big kid.
Anyway, for some unknown reason the order wasn’t correct, and, meanwhile, one of my other mates had been to another party and ordered one...
Her’s came before mineL and within minutes of her getting it home, she phoned me and warned ‘whatever you do, when you get yours, DON’T put it on full speed!’
In the end, I had to go to the store in Newport to get mine. Am not saying if I’ve had it on full speed:)

Bunny Ears...

When arranging a Girl’s Night Out, it’s a lovely ‘idea’ to all go dressed as something eyecatching…Is also useful when you need to find the rest of the ‘girls’.
What you need to make sure of first though is, the ease in which you can purchase the items needed to dress up...
Seemed like an excellent idea for 8 of us to go as ‘Bunny Girls’ ala ‘Bridget Jones’! In theory, easy! In practice, somewhat a little differentL
Obviously, the search began at local and then, not-so-local fancy dress shops…Not so much the lack of bunny ears, but lack of ‘BJ’ type ones, you know, the black and white bendy ones, which you can bend at a sexy angle;)
The next search was done via the internet…L I am in no way a prude, but, a word of advice here…Be VERY careful what you type in a search engine, unless you’re prepared to find out some scarey information about Americans! For instance, I wasn’t aware that most American sex aids are named ‘bunny’ something or other, so, possibly not a good idea to use ‘bunny’ in general conversation whilst in the US, may cause some confusion/embarassement!
Anyway, the elusive bunny ears were eventually tracked down to ‘Claire’s Accessories’ and came as a kit (A big Thank You to the staff at Claire's Accessories here-they were extremly helpful!). Bendy ears, collar with bow, cuffs and big fluffy tail – AWWW! Cute! They went ‘down a treat’ on Girl’s Night Out, but that’s another one…:)

My Talent For F*****g-up Relationships...

Am lost for words at the mo...NOT usual for me...Ask anyone who know's me:(
Oh! They've come back...;)
Going to bore you all silly for a few minutes, if that's ok, with a completely self-indulgent couple of paragraphs on the above mentioned subject.
I'm an almost-divorced, single 36 yr old female, look presentable (ish), and have a few brain cells...So, why can't I seem to have a successful relationship with a guy? (please add any comments/suggestions which you think may help, 'cos I don't know what I'm doing wrong here)
If there's a 'twat' in the vicinity, you can guarantee I'll be attracted to him...(I'm a 'twat' magnet)... If a nice guy takes an interest, I don't usually want to know...
However, recently, I met a very nice guy and all was wonderful for a while...Now, it's all gone 'pear shapped'! Why? 'Cos I tried not to fall for him, but the inevitable happened:( And, as usual, I cocked it up BIG TIME!
Why? 'Cos, again, those of you who know me will be aware that I'm having rather a run of unfortunate happenings at the mo and I tend to be a bit 'black or white' in those situations...And when I'm in that state of mind, I sometimes need a little reassurance...Only natural really...
So, What's happened...I push him for it, and scare him off:(
Silly me:(

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Computer Peripherals...

When shopping for the above, it's always a good idea to remember that there's only ONE manufacturer. This will quickly become evident when you choose an all-in-one printer for your sister. The mistaken belief that you had an 'excellent deal' on the one that came with the 'state of the art' system you purchased direct from the manufacturer will evaporate quicker than they processed your credit card payment.
At least, after pointing out that you were spending £1200 on it, they had the good grace to throw in a USB cable f.o.c. (would have cost £15 otherwise, cos 'Madam, printer's don't actually come with a cable to connect to your PC'. Silly me!). How are you supposed to use the damn thing without 1? How many people actually know this before trying to set up a home PC? Not many. I only found out 'cos I happened to bother to interrogate the sales guy and point out explicitly that when my system arrived, I wanted to set it up and use it straight away.
Extracting this information was like asking for blood. I had to admit that I was a complete technophobe and he finally admitted that I would need to purchase a USB cable for the printer.
Anyway, back to shopping........Was greatly miffed to find exact printer (except for manufacturer's logo) that I had, for LESS. So, really, after adding VAT and shipping, subtracting cost of USB, I actually paid more for mine whilst spending a great deal of money with the same company!