A Letter...
Dear ******, Was going to send you an e-mail, but you said you've not got time to read them.Then thought I'd send a letter, but realised that I wasn't sure of your address.So, am delivering this by hand in the hope that you'll realise that I drove all the way to your house because it means that much to me for you to read this. You don't need to worry about me calling at your house again either, this was a necessary visit to make sure that you got this letter. Where do I start? Not sure anymore myself...But I better get this out or it's just going to make me feel worse than I do already, if that's possible? Well hun, I've tried to explain what I feel like after the way you've treated me. You either haven't understood, haven't been listening or don't care. You contacted me, if you remember, very late one night around the end of May/beginning of June. Was through a site I'd literally just finished registering with. I only filled in the registration 'cos I was bored...You IM'd me. We had a chat, then you IM'd me a few weeks later through the same site. We exchanged messages for a while via that site and then MSN and Yahoo. All this you know. I told you when you first messaged me that I wasn't looking for anything serious...I was always honest with you about that, even when you asked to meet up. What I'm trying to say, ******, is that, all the way through, I was open and honest with you about the way I was feeling, even though I thought it may scare you off...It was scaring me too! You knew I was going through a rough time and that was the reason I gave for not wanting to get too serious with anyone. I know it's not your fault that I was having a bad time, which, unfortunately has gotten much worse throughout. But the way you've handled this has made it very difficult, if not impossible for me to get on with the things I should be doing. Has got to the point now where I can't move on until we've talked face to face. You know what I'm talking about...The way in which you led me on, told me that you weren't dumping me, just slowing things down, wanting to get to know me better as friends first. You didn't have the guts to face me, couldn't even tell me properly. I had to drag each horrible bit from you. Can you imagine how I feltbeing told over MSN from Germany that I was dumped? What I should have done, had I not been so overwhelmed by everything else that was going on, was just walk away with the dignity that I had left. Ignore the feelings eating me up inside and get on with my life. What you should do now is to speak to me properly about it, so I can at least tell you how it's all made me feel, get it off my chest, I don't know, end it properly with the respect and consideration that should have come far earlier.You know me well enough by now to know that's what I need to move-on. So, would you do that for me at least? An hour of your time, to talk face to face. You know my number to call to let me know where and when. Take care of you,*****...xxx
The above is a copy of a letter sent...
The following is a copy of an e-mail sent in reply to the guy's answer...
If that's the way you see it, and I suspected it was, then I have every reason to feel 'used'.
I'm sorry that it has had to come to this, but it's your behaviour not mine that's made me say what I'm going to say next...
I sincerely wish that I had never met you. I don't even like you as a person anymore, and that hurts me to say that about someone. You used me, at possibly one of the lowest periods of my life, and for that, I'll pay for a long time yet. All the crap you said about being privilaged to be my friend and what a nice person I am...Well ******, know that you've taken so much from me that it's going to take me a long time to even get back to the person I was when you first met me. I know now that you don't care what I say to you, so why were you so aggressive about the journal entry? Vanity, that's all. And what did it cost? Trampling all over me! All I wanted to know was why? Now I do. If that's the person you really are, I don't want you. And I sincerely hope that no-one else has to put up with that crap from you. Unless, of course, they're the same as you. Goodbye, *****.
The above is a copy of a letter sent...
The following is a copy of an e-mail sent in reply to the guy's answer...
If that's the way you see it, and I suspected it was, then I have every reason to feel 'used'.
I'm sorry that it has had to come to this, but it's your behaviour not mine that's made me say what I'm going to say next...
I sincerely wish that I had never met you. I don't even like you as a person anymore, and that hurts me to say that about someone. You used me, at possibly one of the lowest periods of my life, and for that, I'll pay for a long time yet. All the crap you said about being privilaged to be my friend and what a nice person I am...Well ******, know that you've taken so much from me that it's going to take me a long time to even get back to the person I was when you first met me. I know now that you don't care what I say to you, so why were you so aggressive about the journal entry? Vanity, that's all. And what did it cost? Trampling all over me! All I wanted to know was why? Now I do. If that's the person you really are, I don't want you. And I sincerely hope that no-one else has to put up with that crap from you. Unless, of course, they're the same as you. Goodbye, *****.
At 7:19 PM,
Lynda Phillips said…
THank you. Misery shared, and all that...
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