Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Tuesday, November 30, 2004



Enough screaming?



There, that's better:)

What's all the screaming about? Moving, that's what!

Has been a nightmare, and then some, from start to finish (and it aint finished yet cos I've now got a houseful of stuff piled up in various rooms and can't find anything).

Was a headache finding a new house and then, cos it was such short notice, a logistical nightmare getting the new one decorated and flooring put down then organising the move to the new house...

Ever tried moving from a 3 bedroom house to a 2 bed? Doesn't go! Not nearly:( Had to be so ruthless and more:(

One thing I couldn't bear to part with was my pine Welsh dresser. It wont actually fit anywhere so I got it in a big walk-in cupboard where no-one can see it, but, no worries, I know it's there:)

Another thing that I found very hard to comprehend is the utter incompetance of utility and service companies.

My new house has pre-payment meters for gas and electricity. The provider for both utilities is the same company. No problem, you'd think? Wrong! They managed to get me electricity tokens without too much trouble, but the gas was another story entirely...

Freeze my ass off? You bet! They had a week and half notice of me moving to the new house and they still couldn't manage a gas card. They did send the first one by recorded delivery but forgot tomention this, and, of couse, the Post Office returned it to them promptly:( I requested another and they said it aould be here by Monday, which was a bit late as I starting the move on Saturday. They then gave me Transco's emergency number in case I needed heating (are they totally insane? Of course I needed heating! It's been below freezing here all weekend). Anyway, Emily and I froze on Sunday night and yesterday morning. A Transco engineer came yesterday afternoon and put 2 quid in the meter! 2 quid! How far does that go when the house hasn't been heated in weeks and you also need hot water? Not far, I can tell you! Got the card this morning though and put money in the bloody meter.

I need to wait til after Christmas to get them taken and in the meantime have to pay premium prices for my gas and electricity...

The phone was just as bad. BT need A few basic lessons in how to connect a phone line! Mine was sposed to be working and the number was ringing when dialled but was dead as a dodo at the new house...Rang them this morning and they actually said they would send an engineer out today! Was totally shocked. Good as her word, an engineer rang me within the hour to say he was calling. Turns out the engineer at the exchange had connected my line to the wrong line there! Is working now though, so not too bad. Was envisaging total internet withdrawal:( Was very

I'm now going to give a very big thank you to everyone that's helped with The Big House Move:) Laura, Nathan, Kerry, Lynne, Dad, Natalie, Jo, Arlene and Emily.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Mices and Mousemats...

Mices, optical mices and the expensive Dell mousemat...

Must be cos the PC cost 1200 quid and the rest of it's an expensive pile of useless junk...

I have to get a new mouse mat, cos the Dell one's less than useless.

Is one of those mats that you can't use with an optical mouse, as I found out when my mouse broke (stopped working properly and Lynda jumped up and down on it in temper) and I had to borrow a spare from my baby brother.

I ended up having to use a piece of cardbord:( Very stylish with my sexy PC!

I then bought a cordless mouse cos the one in between got chewed by the kittens.

Unfortunately, I seem to have a problem in that any mouse that comes into contact with me/my PC has a slightly longer life-expectancy than that of a gnat.

I have, to date gone through 4 mice already but only actually intentionally killed 1.

My PC is only 8 months old and came with a very expensive and comprehensive (lol) warranty which does not cover mouse murder:(

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Very Bad Timing...:(

As usual, my timing could not be worse had I sat down and planned, with great attention to fine detail, the worst thing that I could do last weekend:(
I'll be quick on this one 'cos I'm trying to enlist help from various people to do the things I would normally have done on my own, for me, without asking anyone else...
I had a phonecall last Friday asking me to go view a house.
I've sold mine, may have mentioned it, and have been frantically searching for somewhere to move to so as not to lose the sale.
Simple enough, you may think, but oh no, what do I go and do?
Dislocate my shoulder!
I managed to view the new house (it's lovely btw) and decided to take it, got given the keys and told the same day that my buyers want to complete on the 26th!
Not only am I in a lot of pain but I have to arrange some painting at the new house and a complete move to be finished by the 26th:(
It will be done, but is going to hurt, both physically and my pride by having to ask for so much help:(

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Without Love, What Is Life?

This is another subject that has been going round and round in this blonde(ish) head of mine for quite sometime now...
And I'm surprising me with my up-beat mood about it at the mo...
And, considering the subject, I'm not going to go all 'down' and soppy on you all:)
Just going to touch lightly on a few of my thoughts on the
Love is a raw and powerful emmotion...
It can be the most wonderful feeling in the world or the most painful and destructive, or even a combination of all three.
In our capacity as humans we have been given a great gift.
This gift is the ability to love.
Love can also be used as a weapon, and by this, I mean as a destructive and/or misguided force.
On a basic level, what I'm trying to say, I 'spose, is that we all have the ability to make the world a better place by showing and sharing love. But we don't all use it to the end that it is meant.
There is far too much pain, suffering, destruction and pure misery on this planet. We should all make that small effort to show love, even if it's just a simple thing such as smiling at someone when they're obviously down.
Love is far more powerful than the opposite emmotions because even a tiny amount can go a long way.
After all, if you want to be more technical about it, it really is, on a sexual level, and to a certain extent, a chemical reaction designed to 'help' the mating process:)
Some would dis-agree and say that it's purely lust, but I beg to differ. Is mostly lust but, there is also that initial spark that comes at the begining of love. Without this, you wouldn't be attracted to someone in the first place;)

Sunday, November 14, 2004

To The End Of The World...


Go on, it's not hard really, I do it all the time...

It's early evening, still warm though the sun is setting...Still light enough to see but everything has taken on a sort of fuzzy haze, fading with the daylight...

We're on a beach, a small drift-wood strewn beach. Sitting a few yards away is a woman, mid 30's, slim, tanned with very long hair...She's seems to be sleeping...Come closer though and you can see that's she's not...There's a faint smile on her lips and an overwhelming sense of peace, of finally belonging washes over us as we watch her.

She's facing south with her back to the world.

Behind her, about 50 yards away, is a small beach house. It could do with some paint but is a cosy warm place full of love.

From the house we can hear a girl's voice giggling as she plays with 2 cats. The girl is the woman's daughter, she's 12 years old.

They came here about 6 months ago and fell in love with the place. The woman dreamed of this beach and decided to follow that dream and came looking to see if it was real. To the other side of the world, to a place where she was born. They came looking for home, and they found it here...

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I have this slight obsession...

Those who know me will testify to that:)

No, it's not cocks, guys or anything sex-related, but the little balls of self-expression that are known as 'smileys':)

I can't 'express' myself on-line fully without 'em!

Sad, I know, but that's

The best I have found, overall, are the animated ones on Yahoo messenger. They do the cleverest things like hug, cry, laugh rolling on thier backs, drool, poke out thier tongues...hehe...

Can't help it, creases me every time:)

My favourites though are the tongue-poking one, which has a special meaning to me, and the hug one which is so 'cuddley':)

Have tried 'creating' my own, but they never live upto expectations...

I need a really good one that pokes it tongue out to reveal a tongue stud, but the only one I can find has the wrong hair...

If you can help, contact me via this

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Hurting Again:(

Let someone in again, didn't I...

Stupid Bitch!

When will I ever learn? Never!

Why does it always hurt so bad?

Why can't I be immune like other people?

Why can't I take it for what it is?

Because I'm me:(

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


And continuing with the e-mail theme from the previous...
Everyone (probably about 30% actually, but sounds good:) on the planet has a hotmail account!
How do the servers cope? What is the population of the planet anyway? And is hotmail going to run out of e-mail addresses before the 22nd century? All serious questions which I haven't a clue of any of the answers...(Actually I do know one, was answered kindly by KingOfAnkh, estimated population for Earth 2004 is 6,396,000,000)...
And seeing as I aint going to see the 22nd century, someone can have mine when I've finished with it!
Hotmail is billed as the most accessible e-mail wherever you are...
Yeah! Right! Tell that to the poor buggers living in mud huts in the middle of Africa where they haven't even got telephones!
Don't you grieve for 'em? I don't really...
We have complicated our lives beyond imagination. The 'communications age'? We can't even communicate with our nearest and dearest most of the time without the aid of telephones, mobiles, computers etc...
And what happens when there's a power cut? Nothing! We can't talk to anyone! Without technology we are dumb!

Grumpy Mail...

What is about some people?

Lots of them, to tell the truth...

They get all shitty and ratty if you don't chat to them constantly.

I use my PC a lot, and use instant messaging all the time, but as soon as I put up a busy or away message, for whatever reason, I get 'grumpy mail'...:(

I use MSN, Yahoo and AOL instant messengers, thier e-mail services as well, and also belong to a number of sites on which you can receive and reply to e-mail type messages.

Now, with the best will in the world (and all the time) you can't possibly be expected to reply to everything instantly.

We all have things to do to make life run ticking happily along. Some wouldn't think so though.

I am a lot annoyed now by certain people taking offence if I don't reply to them instantly. Have even gone as far as to put up custom messages when I'm busy. I never ignore anyone on-line and will always give a personal explanation if I can, but isn't always practical or possible to do so...'Specially if you're not even at home...

I'm now so fed up with 'grumpy mail' that I tend to tell new contacts that I'm not always available and explain why I may not chat in advance...

Here, for those who still haven't grasped it is a definitive key as to why I may not chat, return mail or answer your message immediately...

1. My busy message on MSN:- babybear3333 - Busy bear...Grrr!

2. My busy message on Yahoo:- Same as MSN.

3. Various busy/away/down the shops messages on AOL:- all mean that I'm busy or not at my computer.

What do I get though all the time? Grumpy messages from people complaining that if I don't want to chat to them I should just say so.

What have I told them time and time again? I'm busy sorry. I have a life. Not going to stop it just to chat to someone who throws a fit cos I don't answer them within a micro second of them sending a message. Sometimes I forget as well, if I'm busy.

So, what 's the worst thing someone can do? Send 'grumpy mail'...It'll be answered in a swift and scathing manner, cos I aint putting up with it.

I wait and so should you;)