Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Citizen journalism

I'm having a little run around due to my less than subtle ways of dealing with idiots (for idiots please read human rights violators who cannot understand what multiple sources mean in journalism terms and get a BIT upset when you explain in words of less than two syllables ) in true me fashion...

Constant 'stuff' for various political, disabled and charitable activists. I know, I know, but even though I didn't know it at the time I signed my fate when I crossed in to the realms of the media.

The hilarious thing is that people/organisations think they can stop the tide of 'citizen journalism', clicktivism and the whole social media/network explosion... The poor dears 'in power' think they can stop us (I've had my main site and email hacked numerous times in the last week), but the tsunami of public opinion is rising and it's going to be complete carnage... Don't say we didn't warn you ;)

Rant over, normal service may resume :)

Strange happenings on my blog...

I've noticed today that some of my posts have been removed completely, even the time and date. Others have been edited...

My main email account has had similar strange deletions???

The source is unknown, maybe a hacker, maybe not.

What I do know is suddenly I appear to have attracted attention on this blog, various human rights and charity sites and a strange telephone conversation the other day when I dared to question the gross practices of a certain nation letting their soldiers, by choice or order, I know not which, shooting women at the side of the road. My sources are impeccable, multiple and in no way biased...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today we mourn for morality, empathy, understanding, tolerance, kindness, hope and love; all the best of the human condition... I know that most people reading this have all of the above but the CONDEMS are blatantly murdering all the good that is left...

I fear for their souls even as they do this because they are a race apart; they have no true concept, and if some of them do it's going to be even worse for them in the end. There is always a final price to pay, the ferryman his fee and we all will face whichever god(s) and our deeds, or lack of them, will be read out from the great books that tell of our lives and deeds. There is no hiding, it's all there, face it we must and pay the balance ;)

This is my response to the latest travesty in the House of Commons. They passed a vote on the 'bedroom tax' which, in theory, could see thousands of people losing their homes simply because they have a spare room. I have one for my daughter and another for my carers who frequently have to stay overnight which saves the government thousands each year. May the Lords give them hell when it returns to them...

Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Here we go again... (Whitesnake?)...

Day one of bathroomgate:

All is now blissfully quiet.

The cats are 'talking' to me again.

I didn't know so much dust could fall on me from above and permeate the house...

And the less said about the noise the better. You try watching re runs of X Files with Armageddon on the floor above!

Thankfully I know the guys doing the work and know that they're great at what they do, but it is, I find, hard having other people in your house when you're trying to write a two thousand word human interest feature about someone in a country half a world away without wishing I was half a world away; not in Iran TF!!!

More tomorrow...

Friday, February 03, 2012

Royal Assent

I will keep *bumping* this serious and urgent issue because so many people don't know the implications. All they are fed is a media frenzy of smoke screens, lies and sensationalised cases such as a family living in Notting Hill getting £2000 per week in housing benefit to live in a large mansion... These examples are extremely rare. The reality is such as someone like me... I'm severely disabled, physically and psychologically. I live in a housing association house which is currently still being adapted for me. My rent is £76 per week and I get minimal social security benefits. I don't live a lavish lifestyle; in fact, I struggle. It's all to very often that I have to choose between heat or eat. My financial situation is that of many people and families, in that we have to make those choices whatever...Yes, get the scroungers off benefits, that's just common sense.

Anyone who is severely ill, disabled or elderly should not be subjected to a lot of the expensive and beaurocratic nonsense we have to deal with. A lot of people just do not claim because they find the system so distressing and degrading. What does that say about our society? I paid my way as most of us have. We naively expected, that if anything went wrong, that our country would be there for us... PLEASE don't prove us wrong...

Thursday, February 02, 2012

From Wales to Russia with love...

This is an email sent to Russian ministers today in response to Amnesty International reporting on the 'Syrian affair'. The intro. is Amnesty's words but the rest are my own:

I am writing to you, because you are a representative of the government of the Russian Federation, to urge that you work with other members of the UN Security Council to ensure that a resolution on the current situation in Syria is passed.

As a minimum, the resolution must include a strong and legally binding position on stopping the flow of arms to Syria and place accountability for human rights violations at the heart of any political solution to the crisis in the country. I believe that such a position would help to stop the bloodshed in Syria.

Over 2,600 people have been killed in Syria since 4 October 2011, when the Russian Federation vetoed a previous UN Security Council resolution on Syria, according to figures reported to Amnesty International.

I believe the UN Security Council’s lack of action to be an inadequate response to the crimes being committed in Syria by government forces. The Syrian government’s actions amount to crimes against humanity, as they appear to be part of widespread systematic attacks against the civilian population – according to assessments by both Amnesty International and the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria.

At the very least, the UN Security Council must pass a resolution that will:

• Impose an arms embargo on Syria
• Freeze the assets of President al-Assad and other individuals suspected of responsibility for crimes against humanity
• Refer the situation to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

I appeal to you and your government to show leadership and to use your international influence to bring an end to the grave human rights violations being committed in Syria and ensure accountability for abuses committed there.

As a journalist, humanitarian; committed to giving my skills free of charge to various charities whilst being severely disabled; I ask you to consider your nation's position on this matter.

We are a global community and there is no excuse, apart from greed/and/ or corruption, to be, as Nelson Mandela said in 2008 at the live8 concerts, a generation to be great, in that he meant we could change global issues as one strong and united community. As it was then, and, indeed 20 years previously when 'live aid' came together as one to help Africa (the recognised cradle of humans) from starvation.

Thank you for your time in reading my message.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Me, as I am...


Me, as I am, in this world, and by that, I include the scaremongering, labelling of 'benefit scrounger'...

I am a very lucky woman. I suffered an horrendous series of 'illnesses'...

I have waited to tell my story.

You can read if you want... You can do whatever you want... One thing you can never do is take away what I suffered and will tell... You may have a view or not.... You may choose to dismiss what I have to truthfully tell...

In short, October 2009, I was soon to complete my journalism degree. I broke my leg badly and was in a cast thigh to toe until just before Christmas of that year. Over the holiday period I was limited because of the bad weather and the situation continued until mid January 2010.

Unfortunately, I contracted a bacterial infection, which, if I wasn't already unwell, would have probably been no more than a bad cold... However, due to a catastrophic series of events, I ended up in hospital with, what appeared to be, hypothermia. In the early hours of the following morning I was checked by night staff and was found to be in cardiac arrest. I had sepsis/blood poisoning/meningitis... I was revived eventually but the hypoxia level was unknown. I spent the following five weeks in ITU suffering from major organ failure (dialysis for five weeks), pneumonia, severe brain, nerve and tissue damage, minor seizures and a coma.

Against all odds I regained conciousness and was able to breath unaided, thus began the slow recovery process. Because there were many factors that the medical staff could only guess at, during my state of coma and the following weeks after waking and being transferred to HDU, the prognosis changed hour to hour and day to day. My family were called to the hospital on several occasions whilst I was in the coma.

My reason for offering this information (I'll fill in the gaps if you need more) is that my future is threatened by the government's determination to drastically cut benefits for people like myself who can live in their own homes with assistance and obviously a huge amount of support from friends and family.

I've had a lot of adaptations made to my house and the final works are to be completed by March. This, coupled with a care package via social services, enables me to live as independently as I can.

The alternative would be a very costly nursing home or hospital. This would be hundreds of times more expensive and severely detrimental for me. The DLA I receive each week is £70.95 and is being assessed soon for the renewal in April. I'm also facing yet another round of forms and possible examinations from ATOS. You might be interested in my journey through this?

Disabled, sick and elderly people have enough to deal wit/without all of the above. It costs the taxpayer so much because of the glaring administration/assessment errors and appeals (over 60% are completely overturned at the first appeal), not to mention the fact that ATOS are paid to get as many people off long term health related benefits.

Sorry if I've waffled on but I'm sure that you understand that people like me need to be heard otherwise, what will become of us? The work house?