In my experience the phrase serves to remind what I have constantly sought for, lost, compromised, but ultimately, something that will never be mine again, apart from with my maternal grandmother and my daughter.
Some might say maybe I was a 'black sheep'. That never was and will never be true.
My crime is that I was different, quirky and did everything straight and more.
I have a beautiful daughter; we, eventually, (against my sister's best efforts) stood by as mother and daughter to the world... It was never their business...
Many people aggrieved us especially after my mam died. I got divorced and in my daughter's terrible tweens it wasn't easy... I tried my best but we were both going through an exceptionally difficult time...
Two days before we moved six members of my family, including extended family, beat me up horrifically. They ripped my clothes, burned me with cigarettes, broke my glasses, slammed my head in to walls, kicked me to the ground, carried on kicking and stamping on me until my youngest 'brother' intervened after watching what his wife, our 'sister', his monster in law, sister in law, other brother's monstrosity of a person did to me and realised that it was way beyond enough...
Two days after we moved someone had social services knocking on the door saying that I was neglectful, lazy (in that I made my daughter walk to school, did not help her get dressed, offer breakfast;). I was always up before her in the morning, made her a cup of tea and breckies if she wanted it. I always drove her to school unless she wanted to walk with one of her friends/or if I wasn't well enough to drive. I was made out to be a BAD parent because I reasonably asked her do a few dishes, bring clothes down for washing, tidy her bedroom. I can count on one hand any time that I ever did that...
I didn't feel that all that crap treatment was fair at the time but when you get people ganging up on you, regardless of the damage that they could and did do to me and my daughter, there is no defence...
Two weeks later my monster in law (brother's wife's mother), wilfully came in to a pub where I was having a few drinks and chat with friends and tried hacking my hair off with scissors... I have waist length hair... In short, she got at me so quick I had no idea what was going on... She then, along with her friend tried to get me done with two counts of ABH. The other woman's family were later found to be responsible for her injuries and I was quitted of any wrongdoing so quickly by the jury it was a surreal experiance...
Well then sweeties, there you have it...
And the last word goes to me... The crocodile tears, false concern and downright bloomin' shite from all of them and a so called 'sick', and I mean seriously fucked up, 'friend' when I was in the coma and recovering two years ago were not welcome.
Strange isn't it how we, even if we're victims, sort of try to hide what people have done because we genuinely cannot understand why they did it...