Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Saturday 23rd June 2012...

Just peeked at my stats. and, yet again, apart from the UK, the heaviest traffic is coming from Russia... Wonder if they're still peed off with me.

Obviously, main traffic is UK but that's because I've been shamelessly promoting my blog on facebook.

None from China since the Embassy incident though lol...

Still got my loyal US readers who seem to get my sense of humour; very strange 'cos not many people do :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hopes and dreams

Hopes and dreams fade away to ash
Against unforeseen rocks they smash
No other can feel the personal pain
They only think of what they gain
The world is cruel and in vain

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

RIP Karen Sherlock

Karen's amazing and selfless fight and support for others even though she was going through 'hell' herself is an example to us all...

The world is sadly going to miss such a wonderful woman. People like her are rare. 'Tis a shame there aren't many more...

RIP Karen...

My sincere condolences to Karen's family and friends...

May your star shine brightly in the heavens for eternity...

Monday, June 11, 2012

George Osbourne at Leveson, Monday 11th June, 2012

 I've switched it off 'cos it was making me feel nauseous...

At least they're making Gordon Brown look better with every word they spew :) 

Wonder how much I can get away with saying before I get a libel suit slung at me?

 Don't matter anyway 'cos I have nothing to lose unlike those whose career depends on not getting sued :)" My Lord, I have two types of brain damage, had a stroke and my short term memory is worse than that of the coalition agreement to form an un elected government in 2010". 

*throws McNae's out of the window*... 

I think this week will continue to be prolific on my blog :)

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Hogs dinner?

This has got to be up there with the 'grocery home shopping clangers' of the year awards...

As part of my habit of clinging on to the last vestiges of my fiercely fought for and won independence, I use grocery home shopping so I don't often need to ask anyone to do it for me. I loathe shopping anyway, so not all bad you might think...


I flit from site to site, three here that deliver, in the hope that maybe, just maybe, one of them will get it right. ALL of the order right...

I'm a 'love Sunday roast' kind of gal and this week I was perusing Tesco online and fancied a bit of pork (sniggering in the back will get you a blog entry :P). I've also had an insane craving for fresh sprouts for three weeks. Having got fed up with the other two supermarkets consistently depriving me of such, I chose Tesco this week...

Oh dear...

They had pork leg on half price so I clicked for a kilo and my sprouts, as well as the rest of my usuals; the most important of which are my 'Saturday slob in front of inane TV munchies', Sunday dinner stuff, wine and ciggies; not necessarily in that order ;)

Just taken delivery of said order. The driver knocked the door waving my invoice and said that there were a few substitutes, so I read those and there were no sprouts and they'd bloomin' substituted them with sliced runner beans which I detest!

Nevermind thought me, everything else must be ok...

Oh was I wrong...

The last crate had my pork in it but there must surely have been a mistake 'cos it was half an e'fing pig! I checked the invoice and straight away pointed to the driver that I'd only ordered ONE kilo. He agreed and we both looked at the pig again. I explained that the meat was for tomorrow so he got on his phone and asked if another delivery driver could bring me a realistically sized joint tomorrow along with my AWOL sprouts. "No" was the answer 'cos they haven't got drivers in my area tomorrow. The store said they'd charge me for a kilo and I could keep the pig. WTF am I going to do with an f'ing pig!!!

The driver unpacked the crates, apologised for the tenth time and left me with the pig...

I have difficulty picking up a packet of tissues at the best of times so getting my shopping from hall to kitchen takes time especially when I'm 'running' the gauntlet of the moggies let loose from hell (I was going to say hounds but that's taking artistic licence too far even for me)...

The last item was the pig. I looked at it and I swear it looked back at me smirking as if to say "you aint gonna get me in the fridge"! Well, guess what? This lady put her crutch down, cleared the bottom shelf of the fridge, grabbed a towel and went back to the insolent pig...

Mr piggy now knows not to mess with a woman on a mission!

Am so glad no one saw me wrestling with it 'cos it would have made great You Tube viewing!

Harvey Nics or Harvey kicks?

Please view the link (pics and article) first:  (Don't worry if the link disappears 'cos I've got screen shots of it).

This is my comment:

"This advert is showing, again, what is sick in society today. It isn't funny to make adverts that ridicule disabled people, and if you don't know what disability this advert is exploiting then you need serious help! I for one will be reporting this to the ASA in the strongest possible terms and advising other disabled groups to do the same."

Words are inadequate to describe how I and I bet thousands of other disabled people feel like after our relentless bashing in the media. How dare a department store use this to hit us more...

PS: The Huff Post won't let me post a comment!

Thursday, June 07, 2012

What was that all about? (and a bit for those poor people forced to work like slaves)...

The obscene amount of money spent on the jubilee is a tough one for many British people to swallow; especially children in poverty going without meals, elderly, sick, disabled and vulnerable people unable to even scrape together a basic standard of living in one of the richest countries of the world. Many of them will have experienced hunger and hardship during the four days of mass hysterical 'sheeply' celebrations of a woman who has, for the past 60 years, along with her family, SCROUNGED off the British taxpayer to the tune of BILLIONS!!!

FFS! She's the richest woman on the planet and she's of German decent not British!

I did try to pay some of it lip-service but quite frankly it left a sour taste in my mouth, even the concert was crap...

One of the worst condemnations of the whole sorry farce was that British young people were forced to work in horrendous conditions, without proper food, sanitation and sleep/rest facilities for free in the hope that they MAY be offered seasonal work in the Olympics...

The coverage by the BBC was nauseous and needs for every licence payer to demand a full refund...

Reuters carried a much better story here:

Monarchy is a romantic ideology and should benefit our society not detract...

Monday, June 04, 2012


I often gaze at the stars and wonder what my other paths might be...