Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Morals Mr Cameron?

The media beast smells the blood of the CONDEMS...

The fickle creature has the morals of a shark getting ready for a feeding frenzy...

Ely Lilly and Serotonin Syndrome December 2006

In December 2006 I was unfortunate to suffer an extreme reaction from two drugs. The main culprit was duloxetine because, my then psychiatrist prescribed me twice the adult doseage. I weighed eight stone and, in September 2006, he prescribed 120mg of duloxetine for reactive depression, severe agoraphobia and PTSD. 

No one, not even my GP or pharmacist realised that the doseage of duloxetine was, in itself a serious risk to my health. 

Due to a bad car accident a year previously I had neck injuries and injuries to my chest and abdomen caused by crush injuries from the seatbelt. 

In December 2006 I developed what seemed like a very bad flu. It was so bad my daughter and ex hubby had to look after me. I did take a few doses of tramadol to help with the severe discomfort and pain. Over that week I became so ill that my ex hubby took me to the out of hours clinic. As soon as ex hubby told the doctor he immediately said that I had to stop taking both meds as they were causing a bad reaction. 

Going 'cold turkey' off an SNRI was horrible but, obviously not as bad as the reaction itself...

Over the following days, with the aid of paracetamol and ibuprofen it became more bearable to the extent that I was able to ask a friend online for help. He pointed me to Ely Lilliy's own research in to duloxetine and possible issues/interactions with the drug. 

My own GP tried me with another SSRI which, within two days started the bad symptoms again. I had no choice then but to stop all meds relating to serotonin syndrome and had a not very nice Christmas... 

The result was for me to be referred to my current psychiatrist who even went as far as to contacting Ely Lilly... 

It has been a not very nice experience but I was never prepared to go up against a major drug manufacturer even though their own research material clearly described my serotonin syndrome... 

As some of you know, I suffered another unusual series of illnesses in January 2010 that was not related to the serotonin syndrome... 

This is not a typical case and most people respond well to SSRIs and SNRIs. I wrote this as information only and to serve if anyone has problems with the meds...


Friday 6th July 2012...

Friday night and all I want, after an f'ing hard week is a simple Chinese...

Not too difficult you might think, even though I live in a back of beyond Welsh mining town...

I ordered over 45 minutes ago to the usual delivery expectation of 30-45 minutes...

It aint happening...

I called the take away and the girl told me it was on it's way...


Guess what? It arrived soggy!!! F'ing crispy king prawns soggy..

Now, I know I'm not the brightest spark, but please... Soggy 'sposed to be crispy king prawns sets alarm bells ringing even for me...

Am now awaiting a new delivery, even though the first was over an hour late...

If I die before I wake BLAME THE E'FING CHINESE!!!