Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Guys, again!

Why is it when you don't want a guy he gets under your skin and then acts like a complete prick???

The excitement of the chase? Or something deeper? Revenge maybe?

Revenge of the DVLA

In their quest for a 'kill' the DVLA have now sent me a letter and forms questioning my fitness to hold a driving licence.

Obviously I'm not stoopid enough to even contemplate driving at the moment, or indeed, for the forseeable future.

The fact remains though that some time in the future I may be able to drive an adapted car.

It would appear from the DVLA's communication with me that they are blessed with telling the future.

Maybe I should ask them what the outcome of my illnesses will be?

Or maybe, just maybe they're thoroughly hell bent on getting me anywhichway!!!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010


I hate to post on spec...

Those that know me accept that.

Just tried (for a few hours) to get info. to various publications but it seems they don't have any sympathy at all...Bearing in mind that I've suffered sepsis, a CA, major organ failure (kidney and liver) and pnuemonia.

Ah hell, I should be dead! But this bitch isn't going down without a fight!

The media

The media are a strange animal. A mixture of bits stirred in a cauldren. Well behaved servants dip in and dish out. Journalists even spit at one of their own... Journalism is an ugly monster...

Eloquent? After what I've just been through? You're lucky I can type after spitting feathers!!!