Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


"Life, don't talk to me about life. Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge..." Marvin the 'paraniod android'...a 'genuine people personality' prototype of the main characters from Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Life is shit, but the shit times make the good times feel better, and now an' then we get the odd awesome time thrown into the mix ;)

I have touched on this subject before but I feel the need again :)


Not sure to be honest, may be the time of year and feeling a little reflective.

Looking at yourself and your life can have a very negative outcome as it's human nature to be hard and critical on ourselves when, infact, we should be the opposite.

A lot of us don't actually realise the tough things we've dragged our sorry butts through are achievements and should be counted as such.

Instead of counting the bad things that we can't usually do much about, focus on the good things.

And don't forget the little things too like pretty lights and decorations that people make such an effort with to brighten this sometimes seemingly gloomy time of year, baking mince pies while listening to carols or cheesy Xmas tunes :)...

So, come on, hold your head high, smile (it does make a difference honest, and if nothing else it's contagious) and put on that outer armour and face the world, it don't bite (much)!

Sunday, November 20, 2005


Mwahaha... And it is me laughing this time :)
Ok, I'll stop for a mo and tell ya :)
I'm down to a size 10 again :)
You really don't want to know, but sufice to say it has an aweful lot to do with a suposedly minor car accident I had 6 weeks ago and a squished tummy as result of a bloody seat-belt!!!


Unfortunately, It isn't me laughing :(
The resounding, irritating laughter is in my head I think, but I'm sure, somewhere out there, a Dell sales guy's ears are bloody burning...
and ARGH!!!! again.
They should be.
I have, yet again, realised my error in buying my home system from them :(
I have spent yet another age in call-centre pergatory too find out that my bloody printer is NOT covered by my all-singing and whatevering ****ing 5 year warranty :(
It is, infact the only bit appart from software that isn't covered!!! Even the mouse I murdered (by accident of course;) is covered, but the printer isn't...
***cries pathetically***
'But madam, we can upgrade your existing warranty to include your printer for the duration of the warranty on your system...'
Yeah! Right!
At a STOOPID cost of £160!!!
'£160 I say, you're having a laugh...I can buy a new one for £50!!!
So, that's what I ended up doing today.
Luckily, Curry's has a sale so I got a better Lexmark model (they make alarmingly similar printers to Dell ones btw) for £39.99 :)
Luckily too though, I didn't fall for the 'but you have to buy a USB cable seperatlely' lark cos I'd already encountered this with Dell last year :)
I just smiled sweetly at the sales assistant and said that my existing cable should fit seeing as Lexmark made my deceased printer!!!