Bare Facts (was babybear3333)

A (usually) lighthearted and amusing outlook on the real happenings (and vivid imagination) in the day to day life of a walking disaster area/accident waiting to happen/prone to 'blonde' moments 40 something single female...:)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Snapshots of all that is wrong with the CONDEMS and so called welfare reforms...

The CONDEMS, as we all know, have/are going/will go way too far... 

I've decided to create 'snapshots' of truly horrific examples that highlight exactly how low they are prepared to go with so called welfare reforms; will be posting on my blog and updating here and where I see fit... I'll start with this one:

And then this one:

More to follow...

Here's another:

Here's another brought to my attention by Elspeth Parris:

Legal Aid...


Care in the community...
