Baroness Thatcher...
My comment on:
That monster devastated our valley... It devastated millions, including innocents and children... It literally tore communities apart even to this day and beyond...
The CONDEMS and especially IDSIOT are finishing what it started...
I don't hate anything or anyone; it's a destructive emotion wasted when it could be channeled in to better purpose...
Last summer I was diagnosed with COAD after a medical 'incident' which was a complete shock... It's caused by damage from two bouts of bad pneumonia, rhabdomyolysis and industrial related disease; in that, as a child, teen and young adult, I lived very near (100 yards) a deep shaft mine and a coal processing plant (500 yards)...
We all dealt with the dust and my issue with it was picked up by a very good GP who had the time and interest to listen and ask the right questions...
Thousands in mining and heavy industrial communities must be affected and don't even know until something else triggers investigation... If I could, I'd be ecstatic if the jobs were here... They're not, and we have paid a heavy toll...
RIP to the monster who took our lives away... May you pay for all eternity with Hades himself as your task master... Charon is waiting, you can jump the queue and , metaphorically, I hope you have his fare...
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